Monday, November 17, 2008

Menu Planning Monday

My better half is a big advocate of preparation the night before. So, after a big conversation about that last night, what do I find on Org Junkie this morning? You all had your menus planned for the week last night. Well, guess I better catch up.

If you are a WW fan, you might be interested in this site: note, the author was first to the post this week with her menus planned. So, organized and loosing weight - do you think the two are connected?

Here's what will be on our table. How about yours?

Monday: No one's home - uh oh.

Tuesday: Swim Night & Pasta Night with Carolyn's tomato pasta sauce (no bits)

Wednesday: Choir Night - Pork Chops

Thursday: Swim Night, Teacher Interview Night, Zodiactors - home made pizza

Friday: Beef steak, baked potatos and brocolli

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