Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Win Friends: Still great at 75 years

Dale Carnegie first penned his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, in 1936.  I'm reading it as part of my Program Mentor training with the Institute for Challenging Disorganization.  Imagine my surprise when I sourced a copy at the Toronto Public Library, I found there were 17 copies and all were on loan or on reserve.

I highly recommend this read.  It is easy to get through with short, succinct chapters.  The material is as relevant today as I think it must have been over 75 years ago.  The behaviour Carnegie recommends of us does not take a university course to apply and could be initiated by anyone immediately.  A surprising amount of his directives are good common sense that we fail to remember and therefore neglect to apply with authenticity and sincerity.

Happy Birthday "How to Win Friends..."

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